Mark is an experienced planner, and our Head of Residential. Since he joined DPP in 2008, he has built an extensive portfolio of projects which spans the spectrum of development, from small-scale infill housing schemes to expansive urban extensions that redefine cityscapes.
One of Mark’s key strengths is his skilful advocacy for strategic allocations within the local planning process. He is an expert in strategic land promotion and navigates complex regulations and policies to advance his clients’ interests. Few planners have the level of expertise in this area that Mark does, and he is regularly invited to round table forums to discuss and tackle challenges in the sector.
Mark has achieved planning permission for numerous notable projects across England. One example is securing the resolution of a council to approve a scheme of 1,860 dwellings as part of a major urban extension in the East Ridings in Yorkshire. For another project in Wakefield, Mark achieved a resolution to approve a scheme at a key gateway site in the centre of Wakefield for 50 new homes for a registered social landlord.
While Mark leads our residential practice, he has expertise across various planning specialisms including applications for mixed use development, leisure schemes, and commercial developments.
Mark is an integral part of the waste and energy practice, and he recently achieved planning permission for an ultra-rapid vehicle charging hub for Grundon Waste Management. He successfully persuaded the council that the energy and carbon benefits of the project outweighed the concern over the use of land in the Green Belt.
Mark is a respected expert witness who regularly provides invaluable evidence at hearings and public inquiries. His insightful contributions, particularly in the area of land promotion, have been instrumental in shaping the outcomes of planning disputes and decisions.
Speak to Mark about: Residential schemes, applications for mixed used land, leisure scheme and commercial developments.