Acting on behalf of Pomfret Management, DPP has secured outline planning permission for 110 dwellings, including a retirement complex in Towcester. This development is located on a uniquely [...]
On behalf of Persimmon Homes (Yorkshire) and JG Hatcliffe Property and Planning, DPP are pleased to have gained full planning consent for the erection of 193 dwellings together with associated [...]
DPP has been appointed by Great Places Housing Group to its Innovation Chain North (ICN) framework of contractors and consultants for the next 4 years. The £1.5 billion framework has been [...]
On behalf of Countryside Partnerships, DPP secured reserved matters approval for the delivery of 91 new homes, 38 of which will be affordable dwellings for rent and shared ownership managed by [...]
DPP, in conjunction with J.G. Hatcliffe Property & Planning and Howdens Joinery, have secured a unanimous resolution to grant planning permission, subject to the execution of a Section 106 [...]
Acting on behalf of Strata Homes, DPP have secured planning approval for the erection of 44 houses at Shirland in North East Derbyshire. Following a comprehensive pre-application exercise [...]
With Michael Gove returning as housing secretary, Mark Lane, Director at DPP has spoken to Housebuilder Magazine about the government’s need to reconsider its position on the issues [...]
DPP Planning, in conjunction with J.G. Hatcliffe Property & Planning, has taken the first steps towards the creation of a significant sustainable extension to Howden in the East Riding of [...]
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