Tesco Stores Ltd
Local Authority
Leeds City Council
Project Description
Affordable Housing
Stonebridge Mills, Leeds
Acting on behalf of Tesco Stores Ltd, DPP were instructed to prepare and submit planning and listed building consent applications for the refurbishment and conversion of Stonebridge Mills, a complex of Grade II listed mill buildings to provide 17 affordable residential units. Upon competition of the refurbishment works, the affordable housing units were to be transferred to a registered social housing provider.
DPP provided specialist planning services and coordinated the planning application process, preparing and submitting the application, negotiating with planning and housing officers and achieving a recommendation from the council to approve the scheme.
DPP also provided specialist heritage services, preparing a Heritage Assessment which evaluated the significance of the listed buildings, outlined the proposed works to each one and provided an assessment of the impact of the proposed works upon these heritage assets. DPP also led detailed negotiations with Conservation Officers to gain agreement that the alterations and change of use proposals would secure the rehabilitation of the buildings in a sensitive and sympathetic manner and would ensure their future protection.
DPP successfully coordinated the planning application process and gained both planning and conservation officers support for the scheme. DPP played a key role in the planning application process and through extensive liaison with planning and conservation officers, a final scheme was produced that met with both the client and affordable housing provider’s requirements, worked with the constraints of the site and substantially enhanced the appearance of the grade II listed building.
- Pre-Application Advice
- Planning Application Preparation & Management
- Submission of Planning Application
- Project Management