NHS Property Services
Local Authority
Durham County Council
Project Description
Relocation of Hospital
Shotley Bridge Hospital, County Durham
DPP were appointed by NHS Property Services to prepare, submit and project manage a reserved matters application for the relocation of Shotley Bridge Community Hospital to a new location in Consett, County Durham. The hospital is one of the 40 new hospitals planned by the Government as part of the New Hospitals Programme. This reserved matters application followed an outline consent (obtained by others) for a mixed use scheme at the site, including; sheltered and residential care units, a gym and wellbeing centre, a hotel, a public house and microbrewery, and a vets practice.
PP provided strategic advice to NHS Property Services and the wider team, alongside leading pre-application discussions with the LPA as the scheme evolved. DPP co-ordinated a complex project and led the consultant team in preparing and submitting the reserved matters planning application. DPP worked closely with the client team and the LPA to ensure that the proposals assimilated seamlessly with the outline consent and other approved uses, and proactively managed the application to a timely decision. The application was approved unanimously by Durham’s Strategic Planning Committee.
- Project Management
- Pre-Application Advice
- Planning Strategies
- Planning Application Preparation and management
- Submission of Planning Application