Advance Northumberland and Northumberland County Council
Local Authority
Northumberland County Council
Project Description
Leisure and Community Centre
Morpeth Leisure and Community Centre, Northumberland
DPP were appointed to provide planning services in respect of proposals for a new leisure and community centre in Morpeth Town Centre. The centre will result in £21m investment in Morpeth and once constructed, will replace the existing and outdated facilities. The site is located in flood zones 2 and 3, contains several trees protected by tree protection orders and sits adjacent to the Morpeth Conservation Area, as well as a number of designated and non-designated heritage assets.
DPP were responsible for co-ordinating and managing the planning application and obtained unanimous approval at planning committee in June 2020.
From an early stage, DPP engaged in pre-application discussions with the LPA and the EA to discuss the proposals. DPP then submitted a Demolition Prior Notification Application to enable the removal of the existing structures on site before co-ordinating, preparing and submitting a full application for the new centre. This enabled demolition works to commence on site whilst the full application was being determined. Throughout the determination period, DPP liaised closely with the LPA and statutory consultees, with the support of the technical team, to overcome concerns relating to flood risk and heritage to secure approval at planning committee.
- Pre-Application Advice
- Planning Application Preparation & Management
- Submission of Planning Application
- Project Management
- Planning Strategies
- Community & Political Engagement
- Discharge of Planning Conditions