Sunderland Vaux Ltd (Legal & General and Landid)
Local Authority
Sunderland City Council
Project Description
Office buildings
Riverside, Sunderland
On behalf of Sunderland Vaux Limited 1 (Legal & General and Landid), DPP provided planning services for the development of two office buildings on Plots 16-18 of the Riverside Sunderland Masterplan, comprising 14,275sqm of new office space. The development will result in the creation of c.1,800 high-quality private sector jobs which will in turn result in increased spend within Sunderland city centre which is within walking distance from the site.
The proposals required divergence from the Riverside Masterplan and DPP successfully justified this within the Planning Statement produced in support of the planning application. DPP also undertook a public consultation programme prior to submitting the application and prepared a Statement of Community Involvement documenting the consultation responses received and addressing points raised.
DPP successfully managed the project team in order to ensure a prompt submission of the planning application. We worked collaboratively with both the LPA and the project team to address any issues which arose during the determination period of the application, and secured a timely planning permission for this major scheme within 8 weeks at planning committee.
DPP have been retained on this project to submit Non-Material Amendment applications and to discharge the conditions attached to the planning consent.
Services Provided
- Community & Political Engagement
- Pre Application Advice
- Planning Strategies
- Planning Application Preparation and Management
- Submission of Planning Application
- Project Management
- Discharge of Planning Conditions