Imperator Developments
Local Authority
Durham County Council
Project Description
Affordable Housing
Hall Walks, Easington Village, Co.Durham
DPP were instructed to prepare a planning application for the demolition of the existing agricultural buildings and the erection of 38no. affordable dwellings with associated access and landscape works in Easington Village in County Durham.
DPP submitted a pre-application enquiry to the Council and held a pre-application meeting with them to discuss the proposals and gain the Council’s feedback on the acceptability of them ahead of the planning submission.
Since the site is situated within proximity to the Easington Village Conservation Area, DPP prepared a Heritage Statement which assessed the impact of the proposals on the setting of the Conservation Area.
To date, DPP have undertaken a public consultation programme to obtain any comments from nearby residents, businesses, the Parish Council and Ward Councillors. These comments have been collated and responded to within our Statement of Community Involvement.
We have successfully prepared and co-ordinated the information required to accompany the planning application and are due to submit the application imminently.
- Community Engagement
- Pre-Application Advice
- Planning Application Preparation & Management
- Submission of Planning Application
- Project Management