Mr & Mrs Whittam
Local Authority
Calderdale Council
Project Description
Residential Development
Goose Gate Farm, Halifax
DPP were appointed by the landowners to promote the site for residential development through the Calderdale Local Plan process. The site can be viewed in two halves separated by a PRoW running through the site. The area to the north comprises an existing farm building which is separated into three dwellings together with a recently constructed bungalow and associated curtilage and parking areas, whilst the southern part of the site is a field which was historically in agricultural use.
DPP initially commissioned a project team to produce a suit of technical reports to demonstrate that the site is available for development, suitable for residential development and that the development was deliverable.
The site lied partially within the Green Belt within the Calderdale Replacement Unitary Development Plan and as part of the case for the allocation of the site, DPP set out a detailed case for the exclusion of the land from the approved Green Belt.
The site was allocated within the publication draft Local Plan under reference LP0046 and DPP successfully supported the allocation of the site throughout the process and the allocation has remained allocated within the Calderdale Local Plan adopted in March 2023.
DPP prepared a suite of supporting technical information to demonstrate that allocation of the site was achievable, deliverable and justified and have supported the allocation over a number of years and the site is now identified within the Calderdale Local Plan as housing allocation.
Image: KPP Architects
Services Provided
- Development Plan Promotion
- Planning Strategies
- Securing Allocations