

Elliot Group Ltd / Algeco

Local Authority

Middlesbrough Borough Council

Project Description

Planning consent for a new 9FE secondary school


Cockburn Laurence Calvert Academy, Middleton

On behalf of the Elliott Group/Algeco and the Department for Education, DPP have secured a major delegated planning consent for a new 9FE secondary school in Middleton, Leeds, to be known as the Cockburn Laurence Calvert Academy.

The new school will eventually accommodate 1,050 pupils and will replace an existing temporary school site elsewhere within Middleton, delivering much-needed school places in this district of Leeds. The application was submitted under the recently-adopted Public Service Infrastructure legislation which seeks to speed up the delivery of education, healthcare and other key public service developments; despite some unavoidable delays during the planning process, it is evident that the new legislation does provide an opportunity to put additional pressure on Local Planning Authorities to deliver these essential pieces of infrastructure.

DPP successfully negotiated with the LPA on key material planning concerns, and through positive pre-application meetings and a presentation to the Leeds Plans Panel, DPP secured a key delegated decision on the application, avoiding the need to attend Planning Committee.

Services Provided

  • Pre-Application Advice
  • Site Appraisals and Pre-Acquisition Advice
  • Community Engagement
  • Planning Application, Preparation & Management
  • Project Management
  • Submission of Planning Application