Wakefield District Housing
Local Authority
Project Description
Affordable Housing
chantry house, wakefield
On behalf of Wakefield District Housing (WDH), DPP was appointed to co-ordinate and prepare a planning application for a 50-unit 100% affordable housing scheme consisting of a mix of 1, 2 bed apartments and 3 bed townhouses with parking and public realm works on a prominent vacant city centre gateway site, the site formerly occupied by Chantry House at Kirkgate, Wakefield.
DPP attended pre-application meetings with the Council to ensure a close working relationship with the Council planning officers and to understand the Council objectives for the development of this site. As a result of the above a high-quality scheme was produced which fronted onto the highway network and framed important vistas.
A public consultation event was organised which allowed DPP and the consultant team to present the scheme to members of the public and councillors. DPP subsequently capture all of the comments in a statement of community consultation.
DPP also produced a health impact assessment and a planning statement to support the application.
DPP Following the submission of the full planning application DPP has liaised with the Council and consultant team to drive the application forward. The scheme was presented to planning committee where the Council resolved to grant planning permission subject to a section 106 agreement.
- Community & Political Engagement
- Pre-Application Advice
- Planning Application Preparation & Management
- Submission of Planning Application
- Project Management
- Health Impact Assesment