A Full Planning Application, including demolition in a Conservation Area consent, is proposed for the construction of an 8-storey (excluding basement level) residential apartment building, together with associated infrastructure, landscaping and public realm works at Friary House on Briton Street in Southampton. Friary House is an office building which was formerly occupied by BT who have now vacated the site. The Proposed Development will consist of comprehensive redevelopment of the site, and would offer significant improvements over the Permitted Development scheme which was previously approved in 2021, and is an alternative development proposal.
The application is due to be submitted on behalf of our Client, Telereal General Property GP Limited, to Southampton City Council shortly, and we are providing you with the opportunity to view and comment on the Proposed Development in advance of the submission.
The Proposed Development will regenerate this Site and will seek to preserve and enhance the setting of the neighbouring Grade II listed Medieval Wall and Old Town South Conservation Area by providing enhanced public realm through a comprehensive hard and soft landscaping and public realm improvement strategy.
The Site
The Site occupies a central location in Southampton, predominantly surrounded by residential uses. Friary House is located between residential buildings at Telephone House to the west and City Court to the east. To the south of the site is Gloucester Square pay and display car park accessed via High Street, and to the north Friary House fronts Briton Street. Between Friary House and City Court is a section of Grade II listed old city wall.
The site is well served by a range of existing transportation methods including regular bus services which provide access locally within the Town Centre and the wider region. The closest bus stop is the Lower Canal Stop along Briton Street, which is located immediately in front of Telephone House, to the east of the site. There is an additional stop known as the Telephone Stop located along High Street to the rear of the site. Both stops are less than a 1-minute walk from the site.
The Proposal
The Proposed Development will comprise demolition of the existing Friary House building, and the construction of a new residential apartment building of 8-storeys in height (excluding basement level), which will include a total of 89 no. apartments which will range in type from studio apartments to 1-2 bedroomed apartments.
25no. will be studio apartments, 27no. will be 1-bedroomed apartments, and 37no. will be 2-bedroomed apartments. The studio-1-2 bedroomed apartment mix will therefore be 20%:35%:45%.
The construction of a new residential apartment building will also involve the installation of associated infrastructure, together with a comprehensive hard and soft landscaping and public realm works scheme which seeks to preserve and enhance the setting of the neighbouring Grade II listed Medieval Town Wall and Old Town South Conservation Area.
A series of detailed pre-application discussions and an iterative design process between the Applicant’s design team, the LPA and Historic England have informed the latest proposed scale and massing of the building. The option to retain and re-configure the existing Friary House building was initially explored in the early design stages, however further to pre-application discussions with the LPA and Historic England it became apparent that retention of the Friary House building is not feasible, as in order to preserve and enhance the setting of the Grade II listed Medieval Wall the Applicant seeks to increase the distance between the Medieval Wall and the built form on Site and, as such, a new building is required to be constructed. The main entrance to the building will be located on the north-eastern elevation, whereby an under-canopy will clearly demarcate the entrance to the building spanning across the north-east corner on both the northern and eastern elevations. Architectural detail has been incorporated into each elevation with a mixture of recessed panels and Juliet balconies.
Through Pre-Application discussions, Historic England have confirmed their support in principle for the Proposed Development, subject to a planning condition requiring the submission of full details of the proposed public realm and landscaping scheme prioir to development commencing.
The tangible heritage benefits which will be generated as part of the Proposed Development include a comprehensive hard and soft landscaping and public realm works scheme in order to preserve and enhance the setting of the neighbouring Grade II listed Medieval Town Wall and Old Town South Conservation Area, and necessary protection measures and conservation works to the wall.
The Project Team
The Applicant, Telereal General Property GP Limited, brings many years of experience in the UK property market to residential development. They offer a strong combination of proven expertise, capital resources and a commitment to delivering quality homes. They have a number of exciting developments underway with experienced and trusted partners, bringing over 2,000 residential units to market over the next five years, across the UK.

Providing your Feedback
We would welcome any feedback you may have on the Proposed Development and would be grateful if you could return any comments by Wednesday 1st June 2022. Comments can be submitted through the online feedback form below, or via the following email address: Alternatively, if you would like to post your comments to us, please send them addressed to DPP Planning, DESG, 11-13 Penhill Road, Cardiff, CF11 9PQ.
Your personal data will be retained on our secure database and will not be passed to our clients.
We may also like to contact you to keep you informed about future developments relating to this consultation. You will be able to opt-out of these communications at any time.