As our most experienced consultant, Bob has been at the vanguard of urban development strategies since 1987. He has the depth of knowledge and experience that comes with working across every part of the UK, and on a dynamic array of schemes for over 35 years.
There are very few issues that Bob hasn’t seen before, so whether a project faces technical challenges, or political complications, Bob knows which points to negotiate in order to garner support for a scheme.
Clients trust Bob to spot issues that might arise in their proposals. With the benefit of experience, Bob identifies potential objections and prepares proposals that stand the best chance of approval, whilst reducing friction with the local community.
Bob has secured planning permission for a number of leisure schemes, schools and mixed use redevelopments across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Projects like Milburngate on the banks of the River Wear have transformed the local environment with Grade A office space, an 88 bed hotel and 149 luxury apartments, as well as premium retail, leisure and residential space. Bob played a key role in securing the initial permissions for this 450,000 sqm scheme.
Bob recently succeeded in obtaining planning permission for the first Net-Zero carbon in-operation school in Coventry. Against stringent time pressures from the Department of Education, approval for this school was granted in a very short period time. Bob and the team foresaw challenges and promptly overcame hurdles to minimise any delay and keep the project on track.
Bob’s judicious character and shrewd insight has set him apart as the go-to expert witness for planning disputes. He is relied upon to deliver erudite expert testimony in planning appeals in the High Court, and across multiple public inquiries. One KC says that he “ranks Bob as one of the best planning witnesses in the country As a planner, he is that rare combination of someone with common sense, an ability to see the wood from the trees, realism and pragmatism.”
Speak to Bob about: complicated mixed-use development schemes, education projects, retail projects and expert witness appointments.