Durham County Council
Local Authority
Durham County Council
Project Description
Additional space at Science Park
NETPark, Sedgefiled, Durham
Since opening, NETPark had big ambitions to become one of the UK’s leading science parks and it is well on its way to achieving that goal with over 40 companies and 600 people employed on site. The success of NETPark is such that expansion space is needed so that companies can reach their potential.
NETPark Phase 3A will create an additional 41,109sqm of floorspace. This additional space will help to accommodate growing demand, both from businesses already established within the park and from companies looking to relocate or expand their operations to this thriving science community.
DPP were appointed to prepare, submit and manage a hybrid planning application for Phase 3A. DPP undertook detailed pre-application discussions with the LPA and statutory consultee to discuss the application requirements and key planning matters and also coordinated the public consultation with the local community and existing users of NETPark.
DPP liaised with the project team to obtain the documents required for the planning submission and prepared a detailed Planning and Heritage Statement to support the application. DPP have liaised with the LPA throughout the determination period to overcome matters relating to highways and ecology. The application was unanimously approved at planning committee.
Services Provided
- Pre-Application Advice
- Plannng Strategies
- Community Engagement
- Planning Application Preperation & Management
- Project Management
- Submission of Planning Application