JG Hatcliffe Property and Howdens Joinery
Local Authority
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Project Description
Mixed-used sustainable urban extension.
Howden (How-G), East Riding
DPP, together with JG Hatcliffe Property & Planning and Howdens Joinery, have successfully worked together to bring forward this site through the Local Plan process. DPP worked with the team to prepare various promotional documents to present to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council as part of the Local Plan consultation exercise to promote the site for a mixed-used sustainable urban extension. A new sustainable extension was considered the best option by the East Riding as part of their Issues and Options stage in order to meet the housing need for the Goole and Humberhead Levels sub-area following the deletion of housing allocation in Goole due to flood risk. The team were successful and the site is now allocated in the draft Local Plan Update document under Policy HOW-G.
DPP have since been instructed by the clients to prepare, submit and manage a hybrid planning application, including a full Environmental Impact Assessment, for the site which seeks full planning permission for a new Howdens Joinery Factory 10 together with construction of a new relief road from Thorpe Road to Station Road, together with outline planning permission for a mixed-use scheme comprising of residential development (Use Class C3), community facilities including a supermarket, small retail units and small business/employment space (Use Class E), a medical centre (Use Class F2), public house and restaurant with accommodation (Use Class Sui Generis/E/C1), elderly care accommodation (Use Class C2/C3), a two-form entry primary school (Use Class F1), community park, car parks, sports pitches and a pavilion, open spaces, a habitat area, drainage and landscaping and internal roads.
DPP successfully submitted representations and promotional material to the LPA and worked closely with which resulted in the site being allocated in the draft Local Plan Update document under Policy HOW-G for mixed-use development.
DPP successfully carried out public consultation event in Howden to promote the scheme and gain valuable feedback from lcal residfents, businesses and Councillors to inform the scheme.
DPP prepared a number of documents which were submitted in support of the planning application, including the planning statement, retail statement, statement of community involvement and economic benefits statement.
DPP have successfully co-ordinated the consultant team to ensure that the planning application and Environmental Impact Assessment was submitted on time in order to meet the client’s aspirations and secure the required funding for the scheme.
Services Provided
- Community Engagement
- Development Plan Promotion
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Planning application preparation and management
- Submission of Planning Application
- Project Management