The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Local Authority
Newcastle City Council
Project Description
Development of treatment centre
Day Treatment Centre, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle
DPP were appointed to advise The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on their permitted development options for the development of an day treatment centre at the Freeman Hospital to enable the Trust to address some of the waiting list challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The development comprises a new, stand-alone building at the front of the Freeman Hospital site providing four new theatres, day case assessment areas and a recovery area, enabling the Trust to carry out over 3,000 additional low complexity procedures per annum in specialties such as musculoskeletal health, urology, surgery and some cardiothoracic services.
The accelerated design and build programme meant that the project was designed and delivered in under 38 weeks
DPP advised the Trust on their permitted development options and liaised with the LPA, whilst also providing strategic planning advice, enabling construction to commence almost immediately. DPP also coordinated and managed the public consultation for the development and subsequently prepared, submitted and managed a planning application for the retention of the Day Treatment Centre on expiry of the emergency permitted development rights. The application was granted unanimously by Planning Committee.
Image credit: Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Project Management
- Pre-Application Advice
- Planning Strategies
- Planning Application Preparation and management
- Submission of Planning Application
- Community and Political Engagement