Wilmott Dixon
Local Authority
Vale of Glamorgan
Project Description
Demolition and rebuild of centre at hospital
DPP were appointed by Wilmott Dixon to submit an outline planning application for the demolition and re-build at the Cardiff and Vale Orthopaedic Centre located at Llandough hospital.
As part of this proposal, an existing building which houses unused theatres will be demolished alongside the infilling of an existing courtyard. This proposal will bring this currently vacant and underutilised part of the hospital back into use, helping to provide modern Orthopaedic facilities to the hospital.
To date, DPP have organised and led meetings with the Operational Manager for Planning at the Vale of Glamorgan to agree the scope of the application. Following this meeting, DPP have worked closely with AHR to coordinate the provision of additional plans requested by the council.
DPP also oversaw the Pre-Application Consultation and engagement process. This involved engaging with local councillors, Llandough Community Council and neighbours.
Following the PAC process, DPP subsequently submitted a planning application for this proposal. As part of this, DPP have coordinated consultants to overcome key issues raised by the Local Planning Authority in relation to testing the schemes visual impact. The application is still currently being consulted on prior to determination.
Image: AHR Architects.
- Project Management
- Pre-Application Advice
- Planning Strategies