Redrow Homes
Local Authority
Kirklees Council
Project Description
Greenfield Residential
Burton Acres Lane, Highburton
We were instructed to submit a detailed planning application on behalf of Redrow Homes for the erection of 97 new houses with associated access, drainage works, landscaping and public open space on a piece of land located to the south of Burton Acres Lane, Highburton, Huddersfield.
Despite community engagement, there was significant opposition from residents and the Parish Council, who raised concerns that the development would harm the character of the village, causing highway and drainage infrastructures issues, and it would have a detrimental impact on shops, school places and local health centre.
After successfully demonstrating that the council’s lack of 5-year housing land supply the site, which was allocated as safeguarded land in the Development Plan, should be developed. DPP also demonstrated that the development of the site constituted sustainable development in that it fulfils the economic, social and environmental dimensions as set out in the NPPF. DPP successfully secured full planning permission in June 2017.
- Pre-application Preparation
- SPublic Cosultation
- Planning Committee Representation
- Application Co-Ordination