Durham County Council
Local Authority
Durham County Council
Project Description
Hybrid application for a new business park with supporting retail and leisure uses
Aykley Heads Masterplan, Durham
On behalf of Durham County Council, DPP prepared and submitted a hybrid planning application for the demolition of County Hall and the subsequent development of a £400 million business park at Aykley Heads in Durham.
The site extends to approximately 60ha and is located to the north of Durham city centre. There were a number of complex issues associated with the site, including the parking options available, impacts on nearby heritage assets as well as Durham UNESCO World Heritage Site, and impacts on the Green Belt land in the east of the site.
DPP coordinated the production of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), as well as preparing and submitting a town centre sequential assessment and Green Belt sequential assessment, due to the location of the development.
DPP successfully managed the planning process from early pre-application discussions through to planning approval. This involved coordinating a complex project team, preparing planning strategies to advise the client on ways forward, coordinating and finalising technical documents such as an EIA and sequential assessments and addressed the above complex issues associated with the site. DPP liaised closely with the LPA throughout the process to secure planning permission.
The planning application was approved at planning committee.
Services Provided
- Community & Political Engagement
- Pre Application Advice
- Planning Strategies
- Planning Application Preparation and Management
- Submission of Planning Application
- Project Management
- Discharge of Planning Conditions