On behalf of Portsmouth City Council, DPP have submitted a planning application for a Leisure Centre and GP Surgery in Bransbury Park, Portsmouth.
The scheme forms part of the Council’s wider strategy to improve facilities across the city through the improvement and consolidation of other leisure facilities, with the proposal at Bransbury forming a state-of-the-art hub for local sports clubs and local community use.
Designed by GT3 Architects, the scheme underwent numerous public consultations and design reviews to gauge the public’s opinion for the proposals. DPP have contributed to the application through the preparation and submission of the Planning Statement, Open Space Assessment, Statement of Community Involvement, Health Impact Assessment, Town Centre Sequential Assessment and Flood Sequential Assessment. Located within Flood Zones 2 and 3, the team have overcome the challenges of being located in Bransbury Park, to improve the well-being and sport provision by revolutionising the city’s service offer.
Image Credit: GT3 Architects